Firstly, I can tell you that I have not been running this week.
However, I have been plant buying but it wasn’t too many plants, just a few. Doing my bit to keep people in business. In the garden, I have done some more tidying and planting. New things happening since last week too, see below. Late season potatoes harvested and disappointed of Nottingham here as crop too small and not many, moral of the story plant them earlier so they have a longer growing season.

Any way…..

…. it’s on with the week’s Six on Saturday

1) Grass. Pennisetum
Well, some weeks back I was saying how this grass may not be showing signs of seed heads and well here’s the photo evidence it is doing just that.

2) Clematis Boulevard range ‘Zara’ (Blue).
Just one flower bud recently developed. Will it get chance to bloom. Well, we shall see!

3) Zebra Grass, Zebrinus.
Interesting development as the seed heads open on this Zebra grass.

4) Pieris, Formosan Flame.
This pieris has suddenly decided to give out some fresh growth, as red as when it is in spring. It is one of the oldest plants in the garden and has always given a brilliant show each year. Including the small cream flowers. Good to see this time of year.

5) Nerine, Bowdenii.
Been waiting and waiting to see if more stems would appear and yes they have. Five this year so moving to a larger container has been great help I think. New compost and all the nutrients has helped. Good to see something bright at this time of year and looks exotic too.

6) Salvia (maybe patens) (Blue)
This plant I acquired from a friend who got it from our local park recently. No, it wasn’t stolen!!! The gardener’s where taking out the summer bedding and passing on plants to anyone who wanted the plants that might end up in compost. Glad to give it a second chance. I’ll cut it back, shame to lose the flowers but it might suffer otherwise.

That’s it for this week’s Six on Saturday. Whatever you’re doing be safe and ensure that you enjoy your gardening or what ever you do. To our host of Six on Saturday, The Propagator, thank you to him. Pop over to see the delights on his blog and view blogs from around the world. Until the next week’s #SixonSaturday, all the best. May pop in with the odd Post of the Day, too. Watch out for occasional view of the garden in development on Fridays. (Last update: Friday 22nd October 2021)