It’s been an odd week here what with keeping appointments and being tired I’ve not done much in the garden, yet again. The weather’s been indifferent though somewhat much sunnier. The rain’s been evident though. Everywhere is sodden. Well, the show must go so here’s my Six on Saturday.

1.The Hellebores have begun to burst on to the scene.

Hellebore Deeply speckled
Hellebore large and slightly speckled

2. There’s continued sprouting of the Spring bulbs planted back in the autumn. Some shooting to fast now. Like the Crocus species and Daffodil Tete et Tete.

Crocus and Daffodils

3. The Tulips seem to have slowed in little but they’re still continuing to get growing and there’s more and more each day. The variety here is T. Angelique.

Tulip Angelique

4. The Crocosmia are going mad so will have to watch these as the next few weeks or so go on. I’m hoping to split these (weather permitting) into many smaller clumps which will encourage the wonderful yellow/orange flowers to appear in abundance. Anything is better than the last few years poor offerings.


5. The Schlumbergera (Christmas Cactus) has been amazing. It’s only in a small pot but it does so well and it’s sitting in a cold conservatory facing north. Amazing result to say that it’s been treated meanly for quite sometime. From summer to autumn outside to winter in a cold environment.

6. Orange Pansy. Okay I was just passing the shop and they said to me ‘buy me’. So I did, that was a day or so a go. They’re in need of a pot to show them off better and to group them along with the spring bulbs.

Six Orange Pansies waiting for potting on

Well, that’s it for another week. All being well I’ll be back with another Six on Saturday. Thanks to the The Propagator.