What a wild week this has been weather wise. Here, in the Midlands, it’s been windy and wet for a few days at the start of the week and into the rest of the week.

I’ve not been able to get time in between the bad weather spells to be in the garden doing gardening. It’s a matter of take a look around and photograph what’s new or interesting or needs attention at some time. In fact anything that’s possible to use in the blog for my SoS. I’ve been pottering indoors.
Here’s my Six on Saturday.

1) Here’s a Hellebore, I can be sure of not planting it as, at one time this area used to grow courgettes and the ground was cleared. Therefore, the only culprit is our feathered friends in the sky. It’s been some years growing getting bigger looking very green and fresh most of the year. It has boring greenish flowers. Yet, I still allow it the valuable space it occupies. It’s days are probably numbered. Might wait until the flowers have gone over a bit?

Hellebore (Green)

2) Erysimum this was given to me as a young plant some years ago. I put it in a pot out in the front near the door, meaning it would be there temporarily until I’d found suitable ground. Well, that’s never happened and it’s thrives in this pot along with nerines and a clematis. It flowered extremely well last year and into this year, too. The flowers are bicolour yellow/lilac and fade as they age. This may be the variety E. Plant World Lemon.

Erysimum Plant World Lemon

3) This is the variegated spider plant that has lots of spiderlets which was shown in SoS from last week. Not had enough fresh potting compost to get them rooting. Hopefully, that will sorted this coming week. Update to follow.

Variegated Spiderplant in a small pot

4) Variegated Holly, a much better image today of this nice looking Holly which lights up a corner near a fence. It’s a shame it’s hidden actually. But site to behold when you turn the corner from the shed.

Variegated Holly

5) Phalaenopsis Moth orchid. Another pot plant. This is one that was donated to a friend. Doing alright too. Amazing waxy pink flowers.

Phalaenopsis Moth orchid

6) Our former Spathiphyllum Peace Lily. plant. It gave up on us after many years during the summer last year. It had been neglected giving one final lot of flowers before it was beyond recovery, and not for they want of trying. Hoping to replace it soon. I’ve got my eye on one. 😀

Spathiphyllum Peace Lily

Thanks to The Propagator. Check out his blog posts for more SoS blogs, I’ll certainly be taking a look. Check back for more postings and there’s to be another SoS next week. Hope, you get chance to do some gardening, as the weather seems to be drier for a few days though colder.